Footy Fleet Races

Fairmount Park 6812 Nash Road, , NY, Wheatfield, NY, United States

Racing Rules          Racing Rules -Fairmont Pond Team Races            Team Event  

BMBC Monthly Meeting

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Alternate meeting location and time in case of inclement weather: Prince of Peace Church, 7:00 pm

Soling Fleet Races

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Team Races    Team Event

BMBC Monthly Meeting

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Alternate meeting location and time in case of inclement weather: Prince of Peace Church, 7:00 pm

Footy Fleet Races

Fairmount Park 6812 Nash Road, , NY, Wheatfield, NY, United States

Racing Rules                  Racing Rules -Fairmont Pond Team Racing                  Team Event

All Sail

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

**ALL SAIL EVENT All vessels will start at the same time and will have 1 lap. Footy’s and DF65’s will have a ½ lap start. All other vessels will start at the same time. Individual classes will be scored. The event will last as long at the participants wish.

BMBC Monthly Meeting

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Alternate meeting location and time in case of inclement weather: Prince of Peace Church, 7:00 pm

Footy Class Regional

Fairmount Park 6812 Nash Road, , NY, Wheatfield, NY, United States

Racing Rules -Fairmont Pond

Soling Fleet Racing

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Racing Rules - Muir Lake

BMBC Monthly Meeting

Muir Lake Pinchot Ct., Williamsville, NY, United States

Alternate meeting location and time in case of inclement weather: Prince of Peace Church, 7:00 pm